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Jousting Harcourt Park!

During this event a tiny part in Wellington slips back to the medieval era to enjoy the thrill of the joust. But there’s plenty of other events, archery, medieval battles, and something for everyone. But if you do go, there are a few pointers, after all it was dangerous back then, so –

1) Watch out for dragons!

2) Watch out for horses 🙂 Actually most of the watching out is just so you don’t miss how gorgeous they are, so enjoy, but stay back from the ropes and leave some of these highly strung horses to the experts, especially when they’re about to joust.

Young warrior

3) Watch  out young warriors for opportunities to try your hand at bow and arrow and other activities.

4) Go have fun, and talk to the re-enactors and enjoy something that you would struggle to see anywhere else in the world. 🙂 And it’s just down the road in Upper Hutt.

Definitely a point! – A broken jousting tip
Hidden Dragon, not hiding well enough
Dragon – I think I killed him!
young warrior is getting into the spirit of the event!
more jousting tips flying! So fun to see live! 🙂
If you look closely, you can see the jousting tips flying!
You can see a veritable cloud of jousting tips – that has to be 6 points!


This event it so much fun, we’d like to thank all those who put it on every two years.

so thank you,

A.J. Ponder and Ike

PS So if you get a chance, grab some friends and go!

PS (please note this post has been updated now the event is over)

(paid link)

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